
Father Daughter Relationship: Insights This Beautiful Bond

‘On the darkest days when I feel inadequate, unloved and unworthy, I remember whose daughter I am and I straighten my crown!’ – Anonymous

Cecelia was peeping through the small glass opening in the door. Inside the room was her father, lying unconscious and pierced with needles all over his hands. He is unwell and has been put in the ICU.

Seeing her father in that condition, Cecelia’s thoughts ran backward. She always knew her father as a strong man, who fought every hurdle in their lives to give her a comfortable life. He has been a superhero for her, and never disappointed her. She was hoping that he will not disappoint her this time too.

To a daughter, there is nothing in this world that their fathers can’t do. There is something magical about the bond a daughter shares with her father. The bond helps her shape her personality.

6 Quick Reasons Why Father-Daughter Relationship Is Important:

Developmentalists have focused on early father-daughter relationships as an important aspect of psychological adjustments in a later stage. An emotional attachment with their father benefits girls throughout their lives.

Here are a few more reasons why the relationship with her father is crucial for a girl:
  1. Fathers are a role-model for their daughters. They lay foundation for love, trust and security.
  2. A father sets standard for their daughters by which they will judge other men who come into their life.
  3.  A good bond with her father helps a girl to develop self-esteem and confidence.
  4. Girls, whose fathers are involved in their education, do better than those whose das are not involved.
  5. A father’s influence in early years helps daughters have a better career; they are more achievement-oriented and successful.
  6. A loving father helps his daughter love her growing and changing body and feel good about herself.
The relationship is not static but changes as the girl develops from a little girl to a young woman.

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